Dream Big by Bob Goff - Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It

Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our loves won't have a title until much later. - Bob Goff

It's not until you experience it, the life of not being sure of what to come. I have always lived my life in a safe way because I already know the feeling of having nothing. But it's also suffocating to know that you're always in a place of comfort but not truly be happy in it.

I am saying this because Bob Goff is right, things we do will not matter and time can only tell if it does made sense in the long run. 

There has been so many decisions and unexpected events in our lives that we forgot to step back and pause. In my life, I have never been so much uncertain, but reading this book has made me realize so many things. It's never too late and it's never wrong to start over again. To be honest, I am still in the process and I tell you this it's not easy, there are still moments that I want to stop. But if I did. I will never see the beauty later on in my life.

Fear is sometimes in my head but I have to dream big and giving up on my 9-5 job has given me another perspective and making me re-discover my goals and my visions. All I have to do is follow the path that I once abandoned and now I know what really is that stopping me, being scared.

But I know now and will know better. The answer isn't always come from having a secured job, sometimes it comes from having nothing again.

So - Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It!

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