Aftermath by Ann McMan : 2-minute read | Book Review


This is the continuation of the first book of Ann McMan, Jericho. In here, it entails further details of the characters - Maddie, Syd, David, Michael and Henry. This time, the story circles around having family ties and healing wounds that came from the past. I really enjoyed reading every pages of the book. I never really thought that it would turn out light and lessons to take away. I just made a glance of the highlighted quotes I have on my E-book. But nonetheless, I made some breakdown on how I perceived the characters and new roles that unraveled in their journey.

Maddie and David

The story of their friendship has unfolded more than it was in Jericho, you have the visual how fun they are and it's like for them, the siblings they never had. Later on the book, you'll see how these two have funny conversations, even I find myself laughing at their bickering of some sort.

Maddie and Syd

They have evolved from being like a teenager who are in love to a good stable and matured couple and they're taking there relationship one day at a time. They expect dramas but together they know that they can make it through


Though this character has been introduced in the first book. It is a good decision that he's character in aftermath is added and made more known to readers. Having a child's perspective about the character is definitely refreshing to look at. You will be delighted to see how Syd and Maddie changed having this kid around. It gives hope to readers and the LGBTQ Community the possibility of having children.


Who knew in this chapter of her life that she would face her own monster and forget all the things that happened to her that compromised her relationship with Maddie. But I am totally glad that she turned the leaf and it's worth knowing this lesson from her. I can relate to the relationship of Maddie and Celine, at one point that they were distant but little did Maddie know, that Celine is just beside and behind her all the time to ensure that she is being taken cared of and well protected.

Roma Jean

Oooh! Something is cooking up with this character, the uber gaga girl whenever Maddie is around has now turned her attention to someone new, Charlie. And Roma Jean has finally blossomed in this book and the portrayal is really interesting to look forward to. She is the representation of every teenager in small town who are afraid to face the reality and the changes they feel about themselves.

Celine and Doris - Match

This part right here is definitely a good part between a wannabe versus a lucid mom. Come people to the round of Mothers ready to fight and protect their offspring. Here you would feel the sophistication of Celine, the ever grace words she used to attach without shouting, it feels like I was watching Miranda from the movie, "The Devil Wears Prada."

It's definitely a cliff-hanger book especially when Maddie found Syd trying to buy Before for Henry. I am stretching now to open the 3rd book, Goldenrod and it just keeps getting better. I'm so stoked! 

Quotes that I picked up along the way and added to my favorites:

"Life's great losses were like that. They piled up around her feet like dried leaves in the autumn. Every year they came, and every year they took her by surprise. And every year, they filled her with the same faint traces of pain and sadness she always felt as days grew shorter, and the warmth of summer faded into memory. But then, in the deepest part of winter, as she lay alone beneath a blanket of loneliness - If she closed her eyes extra tight, she could sense the coming of spring. It always there, too. Every year. Waiting for her like a ribbon of hope that guided her through the longest night"

And the best so far, that I never knew someone like Ann wrote, what I have been saying to people why I am gay before reading this book is just mind blowing:

"There's a difference between things that feel good, and things that feel right."

This line, I have been carrying since the day I was sure about my sexuality and has been the line I've been telling people why I am gay, because with a guy doesn't really feel right for me.

To get a copy of this book, just click below and get yourself some steamy and hot pages


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