Meet Me Halfway by Eija Jimenez | 2-minute Read Book Review


It's been quite some time since the last post. I apologize for the delay but due to circumstances, these few months, has been a rollercoaster. But everything is good!

Now, I know I said in my last post that I would be reading the Goldenrod by Ann McMan but I have to put that off for a moment in the hopes that the 4th book will be released anytime soon, as the rumors says. So I can read them and put my energy on them.

Anyways, I found this book and said I'll give it a go.

This is a good book, a love story of two women from two different worlds.

My favorite character here, would be Vivian. I feel I can relate to her in ways that she loves art and photography. I like the fact that she worked and fought hard to achieve her dreams and do her passion no matter what her surroundings dictates her. Her bravery is an absolute inspiration to a reader who's path is uncertain. Vivian's character reaches out to people who needs courage to do what makes them really happy.

Although, the plot and scenes here were a little bit predictable in my opinion. Love making areas are superb but the drama could have been more intense between romance and family conflict.

I strongly agree on the way the author put the finale. The two leading characters deserved a good ending with success in each of their endeavors that revolved in this novel, that includes the supporting character. My take away from this, is no matter how tough the situation, you learn to fight for what or who you love and mostly, family is everything.

I recommend this book for readers who are looking for the lost love in their passion, for mothers who are single and feels like love isn't what they deserve - this should be an eye opener for everyone who thinks the world is cruel just because they chose to love a person who isn't on the same part of "high class" world or not even part of the norms that are accepted.

This is 7/10 rate - still a good novel to turn to.

Hope you like my review, please subscribe for more. See you on to the next one!

To get a copy just click the image below and get ready for the picture-perfect love story yet.


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