Jericho by Ann McMan : Book Review (2 minute read)


This is a romance book for LGBTQ. A story between 2 women that crossed path and met in a small town called, Jericho. As you know, when things happens in a tiny community, what could possibly be reaction of the old townies or the locals in this relationship? I have read the book and honestly, didn't stop until I finish it. It's a good love story that everyone in the spectrum should read.

The two leads are Syd and Maddie. Both of them are very intense, I like how the author mixed up the personalities of each the characters. I really felt the deep connection and extreme chemistry of the two. 

Though, it may seem that it's all about romance, you have to stick around page by page because of the unexpected secrets each they have in their past. One, that could actually make sense for the other.

"... That’s what relationships are supposed to be all about—sharing the hard parts along with the easy parts and getting to the same destination together"

My favorite part was the exposure of the blossoming love between the Syd and Maddie, how the words creeps in you and made you feel the things you shouldn't feel. And I mean it in a good way. IT WAS INTENSE!

The book made me feel sexy and laughed as well with the friendship of David and Maddie. Though, I wish there was somewhat background story for Michael and David's relationship, but I do hope Ann McMan will reveal that part on the next sequel of the book which I am going to read after this posting.

The scenes, the parts and in general of the climax part of the book is really steamy and I am not exaggerating on this part at all. If I didn't know any better, I could have ripped the pages because of the repetition of turning the page back and forth from the love scenes of Syd and Maddie. The flirting and the fourplay is well thought.

I wish the ending was more pictured or elaborated, it must have been designed that way and at first, I thought before I knew that there was a sequel... I got a little bit sad but knowing now that there's another book, it made me better understand that it is for this reason that the ending was light. 

So my recommendation for the book is for people who are fans of mysteries, comic, romance and action. Believe this book is definitely a page turner. A definitely, 9.5/10 rate for me.

To get a copy just click below. I strongly recommend this book and real page turner.


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