Road to Happiness (2-Minute Read)

There are certain things in our lives that most of us are trying their best to beat the negativity. Some are really good at it in terms of coping. But what if you're not one of them, who struggle with the daily negativity that reality gives you? Especially when you go to work and the environment is dynamic and "meh" you know toxic. Here are some tips that you might want to try to have a healthy approach and maybe, just maybe can help you grow and walk away  hate from or what not.

1. Trust and Respect.

By the definition is easy to google, but not that easy to apply. Both should be earned and shouldn't be imposed right away. They say at work, trust no one but respect everyone, cliche and true enough. But there are some loopholes that you have to take note. When being in a group and work demands contribution, you have to trust the ideas of others and respect one another provided that you are guided by your moral compass. What is that by the way? Moral Compass is something you learn as you grow up and lean to the things you value and mostly, recognizing what is Right vs. Wrong.

2. Never take gossips

As humans, we interact by sharing interest to our colleagues or friends at work. Relationship is one of the basics in a workplace. But DO NOT engage to any gossips whether it's true or not. Mostly, DO NOT start any gossip AT ALL. It creates hate also animosity and you don't want that. Trust me, it's better way to keep your mouth shut or better, it's better to stay wholesome. It works! I promise you.

3. Recognize Time

Why do we need to check it? Because it's also part of the game. I'm saying this to encourage you not to slack off. Always be on time going to work also leave on time. You have to manage your time by learning techniques and methods on how to be efficient and effective towards your work. Spending over time is unproductive plus it doesn't improve your health at all. Hey! But what if spending extra hours at work will give me the chance to be promoted? My answer to that, it doesn't matter. I mean, what's the use of me saying "learn the techniques or methods," right? If you're that good or the best at what you do, your work will speak for itself - no need to show off or suck up to your boss. If you really want promotion, be good and be good at it but not at the expense of your time for your family, loved ones, friends and for yourself. This applies to people who are working from home too.

4. Sharing is good.

Like they say, "Sharing is caring." But up to what extent? In this case, you have to take a step back because sometimes, in our world, there are people who always give and there are people who always want to take. But in my opinion, sharing comes in moderation - if someone or somebody helps, be thankful or grateful and give them the favor back when the right time comes. But don't be a douche on keeping tabs of what favor you have done for them. Assume nothing in return, in this way, it will not create any resentment or remorse to others or even to yourself. If they don't help, then it's never a mistake to learn something new and know things on your own.

5. Don't be in a hurry.

Like I have mentioned in #3, if you want to get promoted? Take time to learn the craft, master some skill sets and be patient. You don't need to buy your way up. It's always a good feeling to get a higher post knowing that you did the right thing by working hard and being a good employee. Be genuinely nice, polite and humble. If you get promoted immediately, good for you but if not, don't play the blaming game, compose yourself and it doesn't matter, every one has their own time and phasing. The most important is, your are being recognized for being a good person and a team sport.

There you have it. Hope this simple tips would help your way up at work. Stay gold because at the end of the day, the most that matters is your family, loved ones, friends and peace. Others are just bonuses and who you with right now at home is the ultimate prize that money or material things can't surpass.


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